Thursday, July 10, 2008

That's it for now...

stayed tuned for more updates (Mommy says she will stay on top of things after this!!!) I think we're all caught up now!

XOXO Hayden

This month I've learned to drink from a bottle and sit in my Bumbo (thanks, Jenn!!)

This is me playing with my new FAVORITE toy - I throw tantrums if I don't get to play with it... Mommy and Daddy are hoping it never breaks!!!

Now I like my bath!

two months old

with my bear

I've learned to smile and to sort of push up on my tummy

family dinner


I was baptized on Mother's Day. Paul & Robin are my wonderful godparents!

more pics

One month old

with my bear

My first bath!!!

I HATED it!!! I'm sure the neighbors were wondering who was pulling the fingernails off of some poor baby - I screamed my head off until they stopped torturing me

Some pics from the 1st month at home

This first month I mostly ate and slept... so there aren't too many pictures of me doing much

First picture with bear

Each month I'm having my picture taken with this same bear so you can see how much I've grown... in this picture laying on the bear was all I could manage

Heading home

so Mommy put me in this outfit which was STILL too big!! (now my little toe barely fits in it!)

Just hanging out

At the hospital

We stayed for almost a week at the hospital - Daddy got lots of practice at changing diapers since Mommy was stuck in bed for most of that time...

After a few minutes...

Fortunately, after a few more minutes I calmed down... a little ;) - the doctors were all very impressed at how loudly I could scream from the beginning

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

In the beginning...

This is what I looked like then (4/22)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Since we just don't seem to be very good at sending out pictures and keeping everyone updated... we thought a blog might be easier for everyone!

So this starts the whole process/experience - wish us luck!!!!